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Listings per agent shortcode

If you want to show the listings of a particular agent you could use the “Listings per agent” shortcode. You will have to use the agent id and the number of listings you want to show . In the example below we used the agent “Janet Richmond” and 3 listings.

Property with content as tabs

Beautiful, updated, ground level Co-op apartment in the desirable Bay Terrace neighborhood. This home features [more]
Beautiful, updated, ground level Co-op apartment in the desirable Bay Terrace neighborhood. This home features [more]
22 200.00 m2full info
hot offer

Property with Agent on Sidebar

200 / month
Architecture has to do with planning and designing form, space and ambience to reflect functional, technical, [more]
Architecture has to do with planning and designing form, space and ambience to reflect functional, technical, [more]
12 100.00 m2full info
hot offer

Property with Multiple Agents

Deal 150 /month
Beautiful, updated, ground level Co-op apartment in the desirable Bay Terrace neighborhood. This home features [more]
Beautiful, updated, ground level Co-op apartment in the desirable Bay Terrace neighborhood. This home features [more]
32 120.00 m2full info

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